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2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Report

Welcome to the Cambridge Associates 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) report. We are proud of our commitment to DEI and excited to share our ongoing progress with you. We believe in the power of diverse voices to drive performance, recognizing that we create the best opportunity to deliver for our clients, our firm, and […]

May 2024

In Private Investment, Diverse Fund Management Teams Have Opened Doors

Portfolio diversification is fundamental to effective investment risk management. The term “diversification” traditionally includes asset classes, investment approaches, industry sectors, and geographies. But a vital and often-overlooked dimension of diversification is the people driving portfolio decision making. This dimension of diversification may be especially important in private markets because an asset manager’s deal sourcing is […]

March 2024

Video: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) At Cambridge Associates

In this video, Jim Bailey, Cambridge Associates co-founder, reflects on how his upbringing led him to pioneer female diversity at a time when it wasn’t widespread in the investment industry. Today, diversity, equity and inclusion remains a core part of our culture. Currently, women represent more than 60% of our executive leadership team and more […]

August 2023

A Social & Environmental Equity Investing Framework for Better Real-World Outcomes

Investing can often feel like steering a ship through stormy seas, traversing risks seen and unseen. In recent years, the siren song of investment products that appear aligned with achieving genuine social and financial returns—but are merely designed to attract assets—is one such danger. And this trend, coupled with economic uncertainty, creates a perfect storm […]

March 2023

2023 Outlook: Sustainability & Impact

We expect meaningful shifts in net zero and other sustainable and impact strategies toward more impactful implementation approaches. In line with this, we expect allocations to diverse managers to rise, as greater numbers of investors embrace stated investment policy objectives. Approaches to Climate & Net Zero Shift from Window Dressing to Real Change in 2023 […]

December 2022

Would Adoption of Policies Like the Rooney Rule by Asset Allocators Encourage Greater Diversity Among Investment Managers?

No. Adoption of policies like the Rooney Rule—a requirement to interview at least one woman or person of color candidate for leadership positions by many companies and institutions—has not substantially improved diversity among leadership ranks. Given this reality, we doubt such policies would encourage greater diversity among investment managers. These policies are not created to […]

March 2022

2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report

Cambridge Associates is pleased to share its inaugural Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report.  This report articulates our Corporate Social Responsibility to create opportunity and support success in the communities where we work. “We are committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion both in how we invest portfolios and in how we build our community, and […]

March 2022

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