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Liquidity Hazard Planning for Families of Wealth

Families of significant wealth can experience sustained periods of time where liquidity is not a foremost priority. Demands for liquid capital can rapidly emerge, however, like the sudden onset of the COVID-19 crisis in March 2020, and cause trouble for the unprepared. In the worst-case scenario, investors may need to sell growth-focused assets during a […]

July 2023

Simplifying Family Investment Portfolios

For families of significant wealth, complexity is a natural byproduct of a well-managed portfolio. A dynamic portfolio can help address a number of investment challenges that families of wealth face, including varying multigenerational preferences, unique tax considerations, domicile requirements, and specific beneficiary needs. Yet there is also such a thing as overcomplexity, which can waste […]

June 2023

Determining the Right Price: A Wealth Management Cost Framework for Families

Families of wealth are always curious about wealth management costs and often want to benchmark those expenses against their peers. Costs are an important consideration when devising an overall wealth management strategy. What is the right price and how is it determined? In some cases, a lower cost approach may not be sufficient to do […]

April 2023

Video: While Great Entrepreneurs Leap, Great Investors Plan

Whether actively running their company or beginning to step away from day-to-day oversight, entrepreneurs and business owners often face similar challenges as they focus more on investing their hard-earned capital. In the evolution from entrepreneur to investor, an openness to new approaches and ideas is essential. In the below video, Jeff Bauer, Managing Director of […]

March 2023

Optimizing Wealth Transfer for Families: A Focus on Next Gen Investors

Most families of significant wealth inevitably grapple with intergenerational wealth transitions. Shifting the responsibility for a family’s long-term financial health can be a challenging endeavor that has the potential to strain family dynamics. Families without a clear succession plan put their wealth preservation at significant risk, as a lack of planning can lead to uncertainty […]

October 2022

Investment Governance: Creating a Framework That Works for a Family

Investment governance plays a critical role in the ability of families with substantial wealth to define their financial objectives and formulate a strategy for a diversified portfolio. Investment strategy—including asset allocation, selection and monitoring of investments, and risk management—demands a large amount of attention from families and their advisors. While investment governance is at least […]

September 2022

Case Study: How intentional governance drove investment opportunities for a global family business

Amir Maroun transformed his father’s business from a local laundry service into a highly successful commercial cleaning company. The family’s wealth came primarily from the operating business, but was managed with an ad-hoc approach to investing and lacked a disciplined decision-making framework. Recognizing the need for greater investment guidance, the family turned to Cambridge Associates […]

September 2022

Building a Lasting Family Legacy in Asia: Values, Governance, and Policy

A large and growing cohort of next generation (next gen) investors in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) are preparing to take on the responsibility of managing their family’s wealth. The region accounts for a large and growing sum of total wealth worldwide (Figure 1). In Singapore alone, the number of family offices increased from approximately 200 to […]

September 2022

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