Portfolios Focused on Generating Outperformance
Private investments
As one of the earliest proponents of private investing, we have been partnering with sophisticated institutional and family investors to shape the global private investment landscape for five decades.
Why Cambridge Associates?
Yesterday's pioneers, today's leading-edge investors
Recognized as a leader in private investing, we believe we are often one of the first stops for new and emerging managers who are spinning out from larger firms.
And while private investments have consistently driven portfolio performance for investors with meaningful allocations, there is a wide dispersion in returns between the best and the rest.
That’s why we have continually invested in the resources, experience, and infrastructure to source, evaluate, and access high-conviction opportunities around the globe.
“Private investment asset classes may serve as an engine of growth in portfolios and may drive superior performance.”
Andrea Auerbach
Head of Global Private Investments
Time & Scale
We have 50+ years of private investment data
Building a successful private investment portfolio requires a deep understanding across asset classes, strategies, and geographies. Our robust private investments platform is built on resources and history to help us consistently find and access private investments with the potential to outperform.
- 98,000+ investments tracked**
- 9,900+ private investments funds tracked**
- 2,000+ meetings held with GPs annually*
- 600+ clients with assets committed to private investments*
- 6,800+ GP relationships*
- 15,000+ operating metrics**
*As of June 30, 2024.
**As of December 31, 2023.
Our Approach
Sourcing and accessing funds is multi-pronged and decades-long
For each private investment portfolio, we aim to generate strong investment returns across market cycles.
For us, that means sourcing high-conviction managers and allocating meaningful enough capital to those private investment funds—across strategies, geographies, and vintage years—to impact portfolio returns.
It also means developing deep and specialized capabilities across all private investment strategies, such as venture capital and private equity, to help ensure that there is no shortage of best ideas for our clients.
Insights From Our Private Credit Team
Video Series: Private Credit Investing
Explore our private credit investing video series, and hear from Cambridge Associates’ credit specialists about what makes private credit investments so attractive, where to find opportunities, how to incorporate private credit in portfolio construction, and key drivers of success.
Private Investment Research
Six Things to Know About Co-investments
Investor interest in co-investing has grown in recent years, given the benefits for both general partners (GPs) and limited partners (LPs). Learn the six things investors need to know about co-investments.