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VantagePoint: First Quarter 2018

The start of the year is a good time for planning and reviewing your investment strategy. In this edition of VantagePoint, we facilitate that effort by setting the record straight on some commonly held investment myths. Top 10 Investment Myths 10. Smart beta investing is a superior form of passive management 9. Disruptions in oil […]

January 2018

Outlook 2018: Stick Around for Dessert

In our 2018 outlook, we review the prospects for several asset classes—developed and emerging markets equities, credit, real assets, sovereign bonds, and currencies—and share the advice of our chief investment strategist.

December 2017

Should Institutional Investors Hold Cryptocurrencies?

In our opinion, institutional investors are better served focusing on investing in companies seeking to profit from the development and adoption of blockchain technology and “fintech” more broadly than holding cryptocurrencies directly.

November 2017

Should Investors Position Themselves for US Tax Reform?

We would not seek to position portfolios specifically for tax reform as markets have already priced in some improvement in earnings from tax cuts, and the winners and losers from the proposed tax changes will not be clear until more details are provided.

October 2017

VantagePoint: Fourth Quarter 2017

This quarter’s edition covers key risks to continued economic expansion, including monetary policy and inflation pressures. Also discussed are whether investors are being compensated for taking risk and different strategies for geopolitical risks.

October 2017

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